I have commented this past year about just how much Maroo has adapted and changed for the better in so many ways compared to how he was initially when I first adopted him...My God he was so withdrawn in those early days...and to see him now, running and jumping in the air on a gorgeous Fall afternoon at Susan's was so heartwarming! He loves to play with each dog he meets and of course the dogs in his pack here at home.... But to be honest here, Maroo just does not play.....he completely loses track of who he is and where he is...as if he is on a completely different level than just a four legged creature who barks and lifts his leg to pee...He transforms himself into joy itself....the smiles and love that radiate from his small little tail wagging frame is so obvious that it is almost impossible to miss! It is well researched and documented that dogs do have the ability to smile...and this research has shown many different types of expression ranging from a smile after a tickle to an all out body trembling laugh...if you can imagine that!
You can always tell by the dog's eyes if they are truly happy or not....and when the corners of the dog's mouth actually mimic what we as humans call a smile! With his tongue out and his eyes almost completely closed as two little slits....my Maroo is smiling!
This afternoon was a fun time for dogs and people alike....playing Frisbee and fetch...running after each other ( just the dogs did this :) and taking small breaks in the shade when they would collapse all fours and lay in the cool green Autumn grass under a shade tree. Once rested, it is back to the running and chasing again! All 3 of my boys had a wonderful time playing with Melody and Domino this afternoon...they love exploring new places with new friends, although Mel and Dom are actually very familiar faces to them since they are part of their extended family.
Yes it does the heart good to see such wonderful progress Maroo has made since those early days....he actually will go up to strangers now! He might not get as close to them so that they would be able to pet him...but he is close enough so that he can decide if this is what he wants or not. A year ago he would not even approach someone he did not know. He would stand to side of me or behind me between my legs trying his hardest to hide from what he perceived as possible danger...
Life was good today for Maroo....and I have a very strong feeling that it will be the same way tomorrow!
sorry that there is not sound with this video for some strange reason? Present in the video are: Susan, her daughter Arielle, Domino(all white) Melody(all gold) Nobu (black & white) Aiden (solid black) and Maroo, who keeps coming over to me and standing up to look into the camera :)