Wednesday, April 22, 2009

That's what friends are for...........

This morning I heard some bad news via an email from my friend Nancy.........Apparently Loretta had called Nancy sometime during the very early morning hours to inform her that "Norma Jean" the gorgeous blond Afghan had come down with what the Vet is calling "Canine Flu" There is also a strong chance that NJ may have contracted this flu at the Harrisburg Kennel Club show a little over a week ago when we were showing dogs there.........She became violently ill sometime during the night and was rushed to the Vet's office...........later this morning when all of the treatment at this Vet's office had be exhausted, she was transferred to C.A.R.E. (Center for Animal Referral) in Langhorne Pa....C.A.R.E is an awesome facility with a very state of the art Emergency Department. After I finished grooming my first client's dog this morning I took a long break and went over to Langhorne to be with Loretta, Larry (L's husband) and Nancy who had also left work early to be there.........I brought Maroo with me for the ride and for moral support since Loretta loves him so! I was able to bring him into the ER and held him in my arms the entire time since I did not feel good about letting his paws touch the floor........You never can be too careful at a Vet's office......too many germs on the floor from other dogs walking about......Before I headed up to see NJ, I stopped at a shop called the "Ave Maria" which sells numerous medals of saints and religious articles.........I found a very beautiful St Francis medal for pets which fastens to a crate or addition I also picked up a holy card which had the St Francis prayer for pets on it.......I gave both of them to Loretta when I arrived...........St Francis is an amazing saint........He watches over all animals and especially those who are ill and in need of special care.....I asked the Vet Tech if it would be alright if we attached the medal to NJ's crate and she told me "absolutely"!!! NJ is listed in "critical condition" at the moment but the Vets are doing everything they can possibly do for her right now...........Loretta and Larry are on overdrive, with no sleep since the day before..........I am going to head back up there to spend some time with them in a short while and do what I can to lend a shoulder if needed......During my first visit Maroo sensed where he was and I knew without a doubt that he was feeling the turmoil of other animals which were there in need of help...........He is very much an Empath when it comes to other animals....he can sense when another dog is feeling fear and pain...........I have noticed this many times when I have had him with me at the grooming salon.........It is almost like he wants to comfort them..........considering where he came from and how much he had to depend on his dog family at the puppy mill I am not surprised that he can read the emotions of others. Many folks know about NJ and her illness and are praying for her.....If you are reading this I ask that you say a prayer for her too.....There are never too many prayers as far as I am concerned..........My little man Maroo would pray if he knew how..........I am sure of that :)

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